“Death Penalty – Beyond Abolition” details the path to abolition of the death penalty in Europe, the only region in the world where capital punishment has been almost completely eradicated. The book also examines how this development has impacted other nations around the world. With articles focusing on issues such as working with murder victims’ families and finding appropriate alternatives to the death penalty, the book examines the pioneering role that the Council of Europe has played in eliminating the death penalty through a series of enacted protocols for all member nations. These same protocols have impacted countries with Council observer status, such as the United States and Japan. Robert Badinter, Hugo Bedau, Peter Hodgkinson, Roger Hood, Anne Ferrazzini, Michel Forst, Eric Prokosch, H.C. Kruger, Anatoli Pristavkine, C. Ravaud, Sir Nigel Rodley, Renate Wohlwend, and Yoshihiro Yasuda are among the capital punishment experts whose writings are featured in the book. (Council of Europe Publishing, 2004) See Resources.